Search Result - parser


EAGetMail POP3 & IMAP4 COMPONENT Trial version 10893 

EAGetMail POP3 & IMAP4 component allows developers to deliver reliable and feature-rich email applications in VB6, ASP, C++, C#, VB.NET,…

UltraGram 6.0 Build 64

UltraGram 6.0 Build 64 Free version 9828 

UltraGram is a visual parser generator for professional software development. Application provides extended functionality for creating grammar of a parser,…

UltraGram 6.0.64

UltraGram 6.0.64 Free version 11405 

UltraGram is a visual parser generator for professional software development. Application provides extended functionality for creating grammar of a parser,…

Open Fortran Parser 0.8.1

Open Fortran Parser 0.8.1 Free version 11846 

Open Fortran Parser (OFP) is a Java based tool designed to offer a ANTLR-based parser that support the Fortran 2003…

TextTransformer 1.7.5

TextTransformer 1.7.5 Trial version 11749 

Analysis and transformation of texts (even in the free version): multiple replacements of words, evaluation of extracted data, conversion and…

Delphi2Cpp 1.6.3

Delphi2Cpp 1.6.3 Trial version 20102 

Delphi2Cpp converts Delphi source files to fast and portable C++. The program is based on a complete parser for Delphi…

C# Parser and CodeDOM 4.0

C# Parser and CodeDOM 4.0 Trial version 12922 

This is a 100% managed code library (Nova.CodeDOM.dll) that can be used to load and parse any C# solution, project,…

DDE server plugin

DDE server plugin Free version 10860 

Data export module "DDE server" for Advanced Serial Data Logger is used for data transmit received by Advanced Serial Data…

Internet sharing plugin 4.0.12 B1025

Internet sharing plugin 4.0.12 B1025 Free version 11247 

Internet sharing plugin is intended for the bytes received by the Advanced Serial Data Logger software and selected from the…

EAGetMail POP3 & IMAP4 ActiveX Component 3.0

EAGetMail POP3 & IMAP4 ActiveX Component 3.0 Trial version 12570 

EAGetMail enables your ActiveX, C#, VB.NET, JScript.NET, ASP.NET or other .NET framework applications to parse and receive email based on…

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