IndicPlus is an excellent Adobe InDesign and Adobe InCopy plug-in linguistically engineered for these powerful design and desktop publishing softwares.
DELL Webcam Capture Utility is an excellent free webcam capture and webcam recording utility that can capture video stream from…
FlexCell is a flexible and easy to use grid control, it provides comprehensive functions, such as exporting to Excel/CSV/PDF/HTML/XML, importing…
Create and print more than 100 linear and 2D bar codes with this Barcode ActiveX Control. TBarCode is a multi-barcode…
TConnector ActiveX makes data acquisition, data capture and data collection really easy! This data acquisition ActiveX control captures data from…
PDF Maker DLL is a FREE powerful ActiveX Dynamic Link Library (DLL) for software developers containing many useful PDF related…
Development platforms : Visual Studio .NET 2003/2005/2008/2010: Visual C#, Visual C++, Visual Basic .NET may be used with other .Net…
ABarcode ActiveX is a software component that allows you to print bar codes in any Windows® application that supports ActiveX…
PDF OCX is a FREE powerful ActiveX Control (OCX) for software developers containing many useful PDF related functions. These functions…
Seven reasons you need Bar code ActiveX Control: Create professional quality bar codes with BarCodeWiz ActiveX.Insert it into your Word…