Search Result - X64

JRuby 64bit 1.7.4

JRuby 64bit 1.7.4 Free version 11193 

JRuby x64 is a 100% Java implementation of the Ruby programming language. It is Ruby for the JVM. JRuby provides…

EditBone x64 9.0.1

EditBone x64 9.0.1 Free version 9784 

EditBone is a text editing tool that comes with syntax highlighting support for over 50 languages and scripts, 22 different…

Software Ideas Modeler Portable x64 6.86.5175.39727

Software Ideas Modeler Portable x64 6.86.5175.39727 Free version 11135 

Software Ideas Modeler x64 allows to display the grid and snap to it. It supports various types of automatic alignment…

Dart Editor 64-bit 2013.10.08 B0.8

Dart Editor 64-bit 2013.10.08 B0.8 Free version 10985 

Dart Editor 64-bit is a tool that designed to write programs. Dart supports classes as a fundamental structural building block…

JProfiler x64 8.0.4 B8057

JProfiler x64 8.0.4 B8057 Trial version 9893 

JProfiler x64 offers various ways to record the call tree to optimize for performance or detail. The thread or thread…

Strawberry Perl x64

Strawberry Perl x64 Free version 11483 

Strawberry Perl x64 is a Perl environment for Microsoft Windows containing all you need to run and develop Perl applications.…

SlickEdit 2011 x64 16.0.3

SlickEdit 2011 x64 16.0.3 Trial version 9885 

SlickEdit is the essential development environment with the most advanced code editor available. Whether used as a stand alone development…

dotNet Protector 64 bit x64 5.5

dotNet Protector 64 bit x64 5.5 Trial version 11909 

dotNet Protector is a powerful .NET code protection system that prevents your assemblies from being decompiled. Console exe, windows exe…

Syncro SVN Client x64 9.1 B2013121218

Syncro SVN Client x64 9.1 B2013121218 Trial version 12502 

Syncro SVN Client x64 is a very useful tool that makes it easier to share document and code between developers…

Modbus Poll 64-bit 5.5.0 Build 657

Modbus Poll 64-bit 5.5.0 Build 657 Trial version 17924 

Modbus Poll 64-bit - you can monitor and test your modbus slave devices. Some of the features: Supports RTU and…

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