Search Result - group

OpenVPN x64 2.5.0

OpenVPN x64 2.5.0 Free version 3700 

OpenVPN x64 implements OSI layer 2 or 3 secure network extension using the industry standard SSL/TLS protocol, supports flexible client…

OpenVPN 2.5.0

OpenVPN 2.5.0 Free version 3737 

OpenVPN implements OSI layer 2 or 3 secure network extension using the industry standard SSL/TLS protocol, supports flexible client authentication…

Mail PassView 1.91

Mail PassView 1.91 Free version 4551 

Mail PassView is a small password-recovery tool that reveals the passwords and other account details for the following email clients:…

Password Policy Enforcer 9.11

Password Policy Enforcer 9.11  3627 

Windows has a basic password complexity rule, but it accepts many weak passwords like "Secret1" and "Pa$$word". Password Policy Enforcer's…

Action1 Endpoint Security Platform Free 2.6

Action1 Endpoint Security Platform Free 2.6 Free version 6309 

Action1 Endpoint Security Platform is entirely SaaS, with online web interface (no management tools to install) and it has zero…

Action1 Local Users and Groups Analyzer 2.6

Action1 Local Users and Groups Analyzer 2.6 Free version 6202 

Action1 Local Users and Groups Analyzer is a free local user and group real-time reporting tool that is entirely SaaS,…

Burn Protector Workgroup 2.2

Burn Protector Workgroup 2.2  3455 

Burn Protector can be installed through the software management console or through any 3rd party deployment system by using the…

Toms AD Object Recovery 1.0

Toms AD Object Recovery 1.0 Free version 3594 

Toms AD Object Recovery is a free Windows utility for querying your Active Directory for deleted computer, user, group, or…

Ekran 4.4

Ekran 4.4 Free version 3460 

Ekran System helps companies of any size to build their strategies of mitigating user-based security risks. It is a universal…

REFOG Time Sheriff 2.39

REFOG Time Sheriff 2.39 Free version 4384 

If you are worried your kids are spending too much time using computer games or your staff are spending too…

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