Picture Collage Maker is a fun and easy-to-use program for creating photo collages and digital scrapbooks from your digital photos…
ImageJ x64 is an intersting Java based image processing application inspired by NIH Image for the Macintosh. It runs, either…
ImageJ is an interesting Java based image processing application inspired by NIH Image for the Macintosh. It runs, either as…
Media Composer is the most widely used NLE for professional film and video editing. With Media Composer 7, you gain…
FreeCAD is a general purpose Open Source 3D CAD/MCAD/CAx/CAE/PLM modeler, aimed directly at mechanical engineering and product design but also…
The Gimp for Windows x64 is the open source reference in image manipulation. This free application will allow you to…
The Gimp is the open source reference in image manipulation. This free application will allow you to retouch, author and…
SunlitGreen BatchBlitz is a free, powerful and easy-to-use photo categorizer, file filter and batch editor. It provides an intuitive and…
It's simple, fast and powerful software for logo design, icons, business web graphics. Jeta has huge library of over 5000…
The majority of users never think about purchasing a photo makeup program until they face a typical situation: they need…