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Engine Prime 1.2

Engine Prime 1.2 Free version 6247 

Engine Prime empowers you with a fast, easy method of creating your own custom Playlists and Crates, to match your…

Speak-A-Message 10.3.0

Speak-A-Message 10.3.0 Free version 3691 

Speak-A-Message replaces written text with your voice: Just record and send. This fully featured Version of Speak-A-Message is free for…

AntiAlias VST 5.7.2

AntiAlias VST 5.7.2 Free version 3934 

This simple to use yet powerful VST effect is useful for anyone mastering audio tracks. Aliasing makes tracks sound poor…

Dupe Eliminator for iTunes 15.2

Dupe Eliminator for iTunes 15.2  3826 

easily find and remove duplicate songs, TV shows, movies, podcasts and dead links. Dupe Eliminator provides a very rich set…

Total Recorder Professional Edition 8.6 B6575

Total Recorder Professional Edition 8.6 B6575  3468 

Total Recorder Professional Edition will record PC audio from almost any source, including streamed audio from programs like Windows Media…

Total Recorder Standard Edition 8.6 B6575

Total Recorder Standard Edition 8.6 B6575  3399 

Total Recorder records PC audio from almost any source, including streamed audio from programs like Windows Media Player. Total Recorder…

MP3 Diags 1.3.04 Unstable

MP3 Diags 1.3.04 Unstable Free version 3356 

In a few words, MP3 Diags is a GUI-based application that allows end-users to identify issues with their MP3 files,…

Mp3nity 2.2.100

Mp3nity 2.2.100 Free version 4534 

Mp3nity 2 is an all-in-one music organizer, that helps keep your entire collection well tagged and neatly renamed and well…


Tabster Free version 3238 

Tabster is a guitar tab manager that stores tabs in a library for easy viewing, editing, and printing. It includes…

Clementine 1.3.1

Clementine 1.3.1 Free version 3357 

This release adds support for using portable devices with Clementine. You can now copy songs to your iPod, iPhone, MTP,…

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