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Advanced Task Scheduler

Advanced Task Scheduler Trial version 10305 

Advanced Task Scheduler is a powerful task scheduler, which allows you to automate all your day-to-day tasks. Start applications, batch…

Macro Mania

Macro Mania Free version 11197 

This award-winning program will save you time and money as you automate your computer tasks with macros. Macro Mania eliminates…

Macro Keyboard Mouse Recorder Wizard 2.1

Macro Keyboard Mouse Recorder Wizard 2.1 Trial version 10720 

Macro Wizard Keyboard Mouse Recorder 2.1 lets you record and play back keyboard and mouse actions. Also has Hot Keys…


AutoIt Free version 10474 

AutoIt is a simple tool that can simulate key presses, mouse movements and window commands in order to automate any…

Keyboard Shortcut Buddy 2.1

Keyboard Shortcut Buddy 2.1 Trial version 11007 

Keyboard Shortcut Buddy 2.1 automatically enters text and launches applications when customized hotkeys are hit homepage A Great keyboard shortcut…

RoboTask 5.8

RoboTask 5.8 Trial version 12214 

RoboTask allows you to automate any combination of tasks on your computer, ranging from simply launching applications, to checking email,…

Nokia Drop for Firefox B

Nokia Drop for Firefox B Free version 11800 

A simple and straightforward way to push content to device for Symbian^3 and S60 5th Edition phones. Nokia Drop uses…

Bring to OneNote for Chrome

Bring to OneNote for Chrome Free version 16773 

Bring to OneNote now helps to send text, pictures to OneNote from Chrome. After install Bring to OneNote in Chrome,…

Smart Hide IP

Smart Hide IP Trial version 14056 

Smart Hide IP, a state-of-the-art IP Hider, is dedicated to protecting your online security and privacy. By global proxy servers…

TaskGhost 1.1

TaskGhost 1.1 Trial version 12973 

TaskGhost is a VBScript based task scheduling service that includes a superset of UNIX Cron syntax for trigger specification, a…

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