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DSTunes Alpha

DSTunes Alpha Free version 3892 

In order to enjoy the functions of this application, you To only need to drag a folder or several MP3…

x3DPlayer 1.6

x3DPlayer 1.6  3632 

x3D Player is a lightweight video player that comes with 3D support, enabling you to watch stereoscopic videos and movies.…

Flash Builder 1.33

Flash Builder 1.33 Free version 5414 

Convert any SWF flash movie file into an executable Windows exe file. The executable has no standard windows border and…

Desktop Movie 2.1

Desktop Movie 2.1 Free version 4958 

Desktop movie is a simple application to play movie files on your desktop. The player projects the movie to the…

iConvert - Video Converter 1.0

iConvert - Video Converter 1.0  3951 

iConvert is a simple, efficient and smart video converter software for Windows, and works with all Apple iDevice families. You…

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