Search Result - BPM


DJunky Trial version 19634 

DJunky makes you being your own DJ! Now with BPM-Detection and turntable synchronization! You can scratch on turntables and jump…

Software Ideas Modeler 6.86

Software Ideas Modeler 6.86 Free version 13188 

Software Ideas Modeler is a lightweight and powerful tool for the creation of UML diagrams and some other diagrams. It…

Modelio x64 3.1.0 B20131220

Modelio x64 3.1.0 B20131220 Trial version 9746 

Modelio x64 was developed as an accessible and Open Source modeling environment. Modelio x64 is based on a 20-year track…

Modelio 3.1.1 B20140221

Modelio 3.1.1 B20140221 Free version 13505 

Modelio was developed as an accessible and Open Source modeling environment. Modelio is based on a 20-year track record of…

Altova UModel 2014r2

Altova UModel 2014r2 Trial version 12217 

Altova UModel 2014 Enterprise Edition is the starting point for successful software and SQL database development. Visually design models and…

Bitrix Site Manager 11.0.0

Bitrix Site Manager 11.0.0 Trial version 16124 

Bitrix Site Manager is a powerful, secure, full-featured CMS that enables creating and managing of corporate websites for small and…

Impulse Media Player

Impulse Media Player Free version 3808 

Impulse Media Player is the ultimate media player for Windows. You can change speed of music without affecting pitch and…

MiXimum for Windows 5.110901-win

MiXimum for Windows 5.110901-win Free version 3552 

MiXimum is the DJ's Instrument and DJ's best friend. MiXimum plays and mixes wav, mp*, ogg, and mod audio files.…

Zortam Mp3 Media Studio 27.70

Zortam Mp3 Media Studio 27.70 Free version 3736 

Zortam Mp3 Media Studio is all-in-one Mp3 application suite. It has several modules such us Zortam Mp3 Auto Tagger, Mp3…

Zulu Masters Edition 5.04

Zulu Masters Edition 5.04  3607 

Zulu Masters Edition is a DJ program for Windows. Automatic beat detection helps mixing your favorite music fun and easy.…

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