Translate entire web sites with a single mouse click! Site Translator converts all HTML, ASP, ASP.NET (ASPX), ASCX, PHP and…
Optimize website content and keywords. Find related keywords and phrases. Build keyword lists that cover all variations, e.g. word permutations…
Easy Password will allow you to quickly generate a random password. Just input how many characters you want of: special…
Outlook Bayesian spam filter intelligently keeps your Inbox spam free. Allow or block email addresses, IP's, words/phrases you choose. Block…
IntelliComplete is an intelligent software which auto-completes words / phrases and auto-expands abbreviations / shorthands in any programs running on…
A program for instantly pasting into input fields in practically any program user-defined plain or formatted (RTF) text: standard phrases,…
This software offers a solution for users who want to count the number of times specified phrases occur in multiple…
Auto Text Typer is a powerful yet easy-to-use tool with many more features that can automatically enter text, phrases, sentences…
The program allows a user to create a file of frequently used phrases, paragraphs, e-mail addresses, macros, clipboard entries, scripts,…