Search Result - schema


iXNotepad Trial version 11042 

iXNotepad consists of one EXE (no DLLs/COMs/etc), configuration and schema files, and it does not use the registry and/or add/modify…

HomepageFIX 2014 8.0.2

HomepageFIX 2014 8.0.2 Trial version 11318 

Erstellen Sie in 10 Minuten Ihre eigene Homepage mit der Homepage Software HomepageFIX. Fügen Sie Texte, Bilder, Bildergalerien, Flash-Animationen und…

XMLBlueprint XML Editor 10.0

XMLBlueprint XML Editor 10.0 Trial version 12227 

XML editor and validator of XML documents, DTDs, Relax NG Schemas and XML Schemas. It supports Unicode aware text editing,…

Altova XMLSpy Professional Edition 2014r2

Altova XMLSpy Professional Edition 2014r2 Trial version 19239 

Altova XMLSpy 2014 Professional Edition is the industry-leading XML development environment, providing intuitive views and powerful XML utilities to model,…

Altova XMLSpy Enterprise Edition 2014r2

Altova XMLSpy Enterprise Edition 2014r2 Trial version 16448 

Altova XMLSpy 2014 Enterprise is the industry’s best-selling XML development environment for modeling, editing, transforming and debugging XML technologies. Powered…

XML ValidatorBuddy 4.8

XML ValidatorBuddy 4.8 Trial version 11962 

Easy and convenient XML validation with XML ValidatorBuddy. With this tool you can start to check your XML files immediately…

oXygen XML Editor and XSLT Debugger 15.2

oXygen XML Editor and XSLT Debugger 15.2 Trial version 17624 

Oxygen is a multi-platform XML Editor, XML Author, XSLT/XQuery Debugger and Profiler. Supports visual XML editing driven by CSS stylesheets.…

MongoDB x64 4.0.18

MongoDB x64 4.0.18 Free version 3648 

Rich, document-based queries. Atomic modifiers for contention-free performance. Store files of any size without complicating your stack. Enterprise class support,…

MongoDB 4.0.18

MongoDB 4.0.18 Free version 3736 

Rich, document-based queries. Atomic modifiers for contention-free performance. Store files of any size without complicating your stack. Enterprise class support,…


OraSchemaCompare  3446 

Schema comparison is an important and useful way to know the difference specially when schema upgrade is done and compare…

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