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Cirq de Jemz

Cirq de Jemz Trial version 11774 

WARNING! This is not your typical Match 3 game. In Cirq de Jemz, you still have to match gems, but…

Dots Master

Dots Master Free version 12384 

For those of you who are not familiar with Dots & Boxes, it's a turn-switching game in which each player…


Interference Free version 15252 

Start with a description, then let a chain of players take turns to draw and describe - but each player…

Kennel Keeper 2.1

Kennel Keeper 2.1 Trial version 11372 

Kennel Keeper is a complete solution for creating your own professional, personalized kennel website, easily and affordably. It is for…

Aptana Studio 3.4.2

Aptana Studio 3.4.2 Free version 27016 

Aptana Studio is an environment that includes extensive capabilities to build Ruby and Rails, PHP, and Python applications, along with…

Eclipse Classic 4.2.2 (32-bit)

Eclipse Classic 4.2.2 (32-bit) Free version 18612 

Eclipse Classic is the most recent release from the Eclipse top-level project. It contains what you need to build applications…

Eclipse Classic 4.2.2 (64-bit)

Eclipse Classic 4.2.2 (64-bit) Free version 20278 

Eclipse Classic is the most recent release from the Eclipse top-level project. It contains what you need to build applications…

Active Graphs and Charts 3.5

Active Graphs and Charts 3.5 Trial version 10326 

With the advanced graphing functionality you will be quickly adding impressive and dynamic charting capabilities. The graphing software is completely…

Windows 8 USB Installer Maker

Windows 8 USB Installer Maker Free version 19540 

This tool allows you to create a copy of your Windows8 ISO file on a USB flash drive. Just download…

HotSpot Software. Wifi Billing System 8.0

HotSpot Software. Wifi Billing System 8.0 Free version 13688 

Microsolut is one of the pioneers of complete WiFi & Lan solutions. Be it WiFi hardware from any leading manufacturer…

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