Search Result - change

Window Gadgets Calculator

Window Gadgets Calculator Free version 12843 

You can change the design of any gadget by clicking the top left button or connecting online to choose and…

A1 Sitemap Generator 5.0.4

A1 Sitemap Generator 5.0.4 Trial version 12756 

Create text, HTML, RSS and XML sitemaps to help search engines like Google and Yahoo to crawl and index your…

TextPipe Lite 9.6

TextPipe Lite 9.6 Free version 11052 

Text Pipe is the ultimate Webmaster tool for updating text. It handles an unlimited number of files and folders, and…

Likno Drop Down Menu Trees 1.1.156

Likno Drop Down Menu Trees 1.1.156 Trial version 11069 

Likno Drop-Down Menu Trees: Powerful cross-browser, platform-independent html tree control for your web pages, built on Javascript and DHTML. Use…

OutSystems Platform CE

OutSystems Platform CE Free version 15215 

The Community Edition (CE) is a free version of the OutSystems Platform, a complete Application Development and Management solution to…

Stivasoft Vacation Packages Listing 2.0

Stivasoft Vacation Packages Listing 2.0 Trial version 10395 

Vacation Packages Listing is an easy web solution for editing travel website content: add/edit/delete travel deals, flight details, booking terms…


HTMLButcher Trial version 10355 

HTMLButcher is an advanced HTML slicing tool (PSD to HTML, or other image formats to HTML). Slice images creating HTML…

Sandboxie 4.08

Sandboxie 4.08 Free version 16104 

Tired of dealing with rogue software, spyware and malware? Spent too many hours removing unsolicited software? Worried about clicking unfamiliar…

Cat Lab!

Cat Lab! Trial version 13992 

In Cat Lab!, well-meaning cats have been working hard to uplift their poor mice friends with the Power of Science.…

Wargeit 2.5

Wargeit 2.5 Free version 14703 

If you are tired of building and building without fighting, change to this challenging game in which a great strategy…

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