Search Result - Community

Smart Photo Editor 1.18.6

Smart Photo Editor 1.18.6  Trial version 29382 

Smart Photo Editor is a revolution in photo editing, from the makers of the world-leading Portrait Professional portrait enhancing software.…

ImageJ x64 i1

ImageJ x64 i1  Free version 19243 

ImageJ x64 is an intersting Java based image processing application inspired by NIH Image for the Macintosh. It runs, either…

ImageJ i1

ImageJ i1 Free version 27178 

ImageJ is an interesting Java based image processing application inspired by NIH Image for the Macintosh. It runs, either as…

Steam v.008

Steam v.008 Free version 14681 

Steam is a game and download/update manager from Valve, the creators of Half-Life. Steam gives you full access to the…

Adblock Plus for Internet Explorer 1.0

Adblock Plus for Internet Explorer 1.0 Free version 16052 

Enjoy surfing the web without obtrusive ads cluttering your screen! Adblock Plus for Internet Exporer blocks: - Banners - YouTube…

Virtual Piano 3.0

Virtual Piano 3.0 Free version 18716 

Here is the ButtonBeats Virtual Piano. Control this Piano with your computers keyboard! The Piano is perfectly in Tune. Each…

Graboid 3.58

Graboid 3.58 Free version 13520 

Graboid Video makes it easy to access to the most extensive library of full length videos with over 150,000 videos…

Celtx 2.9.7

Celtx 2.9.7 Free version 63347 

Celtx is the world's first all-in-one media pre-production system. It replaces 'paper & binder' pre-production with a digital approach that's…

Youtube App for Pokki 3

Youtube App for Pokki 3 Free version 13389 

A free Youtube desktop app for your Windows PC. Watch and share the latest YouTube Videos, right from your desktop.…

XBMC Media Center 13.0 Alpha 9

XBMC Media Center 13.0 Alpha 9 Free version 12081 

XBMC is an award winning media center application. XBMC is easy to use, looks slick, and has a large helpful…

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