Search Result - verification

SFV Ninja 1.3.6

SFV Ninja 1.3.6 Free version 4296 

SFV Ninja is a checksum calculator which can create and compare checksums. It supports MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-256 formats. It…

Download Hash Verifier 6.0

Download Hash Verifier 6.0 Free version 4157 

Download File Hash Verification Tool

Metadata Interrogator 0.7

Metadata Interrogator 0.7 Free version 3849 

The Metadata Interrogator (MI) is a portable, offline tool for quickly analysing EXIF, XMP, IPTC and other metadata from files.…

SX Hash Suite 2.5

SX Hash Suite 2.5 Free version 3684 

The Complete Hash Password Recovery and Verification Toolset

Password Boss 1.3

Password Boss 1.3  4290 

Password Boss is the free password manager and digital wallet designed for anyone who has trouble remembering their passwords. By…

Burn Studio 1.6

Burn Studio 1.6 Free version 3961 

VOVSOFT Burn Studio is truly lightweight CD, DVD and Blu-ray burn utility at only 700 KB and does not include…

CD-R Verifier

CD-R Verifier  3712 

CD-R Verifier is a user-friendly verification utility that will compare the contents of any DVD or CD with the master…

DVDINFOPro 7.702

DVDINFOPro 7.702  4181 

DVDINFOProâ„¢ is a DVD information program written in Visual Studio V2010 C++ for Windows XPSP2, Vista, Windows 7 and later.…

Elecard StreamEye Basic 4.4

Elecard StreamEye Basic 4.4  7188 

Video quality test software for QA, technical support, and system integration teams dealing with video compression quality assurance, encoder settings…

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