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Free WebM to MP4 Converter 1.0

Free WebM to MP4 Converter 1.0 Free version 7678 

Free WebM to MP4 Converter offers an easy way to convert WebM video files to the more common MP4 format.…

Teemoon Video Matching 1.0.5

Teemoon Video Matching 1.0.5 Free version 7365 

Teemoon Video Matching is the best way to get rid of duplicates in your video collection and keep it well-organized.…

MSU Scene Change Detector Plugin 1.2

MSU Scene Change Detector Plugin 1.2 Free version 6477 

Free MSU VQMT plugin for scene change detection. Scene Change Detector is made to automatic identification of scene boundaries in…

EditStudio PRO 6.0.5

EditStudio PRO 6.0.5  7308 

EditStudio PRO is different from many other video editing applications in this price range. It is a full video editing…


EnSharpen  6118 

The TechSmith EnSharpen codec is a QuickTime video codec optimized for compressing screen recorded activity in the MOV file format.…

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