Search Result - Shapes

Flash Decompiler Gold

Flash Decompiler Gold Trial version 11216 

Free Flash Decompiler Gold is a powerful and reliable flash extractor. It allows exporting all resources such as images, shapes,…

AnyChart Stock and Financial Flash Chart 1.1.0

AnyChart Stock and Financial Flash Chart 1.1.0 Trial version 10865 

AnyStock is a flexible Flash-based solution to create interactive and attractive stock and financial charts with large datasets support and…

Sonne Flash Decompiler

Sonne Flash Decompiler Trial version 10436 

Sonne Flash Decompiler is designed for anyone who wants to resotore elements used in flash files. It is a powerful…

Flash Converter Suite 2.7

Flash Converter Suite 2.7 Trial version 10230 

SWF Decompiler is a professional Flash decompiler. It can easily decompile one or more SWF to FLA, SWF to FLEX…

Alligator Flash Designer 8.0.5

Alligator Flash Designer 8.0.5 Trial version 10926 

Flash Designer greatly simplifies the process of creating interactive Flash animations for the Web sites. It allows to animate images,…

Easy Button Creator 2.1

Easy Button Creator 2.1 Trial version 13253 

Easy Button Creator is intended for easy creation of 2D and 3D buttons on basis of prepared templates. It contains…

Raptor Web Designer 8.1.2

Raptor Web Designer 8.1.2 Trial version 15862 

Raptor Web Designer greatly simplifies the process of creating websites. It allows to combine images, texts, flash animations, or shapes…

Cool Button Designer 7.6

Cool Button Designer 7.6  4040 

Cool Button Designer is a software that was developed by Alexander Moroz and targeting graphic designer, web developers or anyone…

Oresus 1.2

Oresus 1.2  3471 

Oresus is a synthesizer with huge range of tonal possibilities and intuitive user interface, It introduces WSM (wave shape modulation)…

HighC 2.86

HighC 2.86  3769 

HighC uses only the simplest GUI techniques: draw notes, envelopes and wave shapes; move and resize sounds; copy and paste…

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