Search Result - profiles

Transmute Plus Portable 2.50

Transmute Plus Portable 2.50 Trial version 12898 

Transmute is a bookmark converter that can import and export bookmarks, or favorites, between the latest web browser bookmark formats…

Transmute Plus 2.50

Transmute Plus 2.50 Trial version 12319 

Transmute is a bookmark converter that can import and export bookmarks, or favorites, between the latest web browser bookmark formats…

Network Profile Manager Lite 2014

Network Profile Manager Lite 2014 Free version 11973 

The free NPM Lite version has been developed for individuals that find themselves constantly changing Internet settings to access the…

JCreator LE 5.00.17

JCreator LE 5.00.17 Free version 13917 

JCreator is a powerful IDE for Java JCreator is the development tool for every programmer that likes to do what…

Instagram Explorer

Instagram Explorer Free version 18153 

Instagram Explorer is a simple and elegant client to browse Instagram photos and profiles. It has great integration with Windows…

ArgoUML 0.34

ArgoUML 0.34 Free version 26014 

ArgoUML is the leading open source UML modeling tool and includes support for all standard UML diagrams. It runs on…

SurfStatsLive Professional Edition 2013.5.13

SurfStatsLive Professional Edition 2013.5.13 Trial version 10480 

SurfStatsLive Reporting Service is a Windows 2000/2003/2008, Vista or 7 server-based web analytics product. Web Hosts and Service Providers can…

AfterLogic WebMail Lite PHP 7.0

AfterLogic WebMail Lite PHP 7.0 Free version 13893 

Open source webmail front-end for your existing mail server, written in PHP. Provides very fast and clean AJAX interface, supports…

MozBackup 1.5.1

MozBackup 1.5.1 Free version 13315 

MozBackup is a simple utility for creating backups of Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Thunderbird, Mozilla Sunbird, Flock and SeaMonkey profiles.It allows…

USBFlashCopy 1.8

USBFlashCopy 1.8 Free version 10834 

Fast backup utility for storage cards, USB flash drives and other removable media. Simply plug in the media and use…

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