Search Result - Folders

east-tec SafeBit 2.1

east-tec SafeBit 2.1  3609 

east-tec SafeBit 2 is the perfect electronic vault you need for your privacy. It features military strength on-the-fly encryption, by…

Kruptos 2 Go

Kruptos 2 Go  3337 

Kruptos 2 Go is password protection tool for your USB Drive which protects your privacy and important data from data…

BlowFish 2000 3.4

BlowFish 2000 3.4  3755 

BlowFish is a small, easy to use, file encryption utility. Simply drag and drop files and folders to quickly protect…

InTouch Lock 3.7

InTouch Lock 3.7  4069 

This password-protected security utility allows you to block access to files, folders, disks, applications, Web resources, Control Panel modules, Internet…

Advanced Folder Safe

Advanced Folder Safe Free version 3524 

Lock your private files and folders with Advanced Folder Safe software, you can encrypt all file types (text, office documents,…

BatchLocker 1.0

BatchLocker 1.0 Free version 3396 

BatchLocker is a utility software written for lock and hide folders easily using a batch file. BatchLocker strictly locks folders.

Password Protect Folder 32

Password Protect Folder 32  4061 

If you are looking to keep certain folders password protected, the easiest way to do so is to install Password…

abylon CRYPT in the BOX 2011.7

abylon CRYPT in the BOX 2011.7  3595 

The file-safe automatically encrypts all files in the CRYPT-folder without entering the password every time. The the one-time entry of…

Advanced Folder Encryption 6.60

Advanced Folder Encryption 6.60  3432 

Advanced Folder Encryption is a fast data encryption and password protection software for Windows. It can simultaneously encrypt, lock and…

Folder Password

Folder Password  3411 

You may want to set a password on the folders where you store files you do not want others to…

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