Search Result - Community


SWiX Free version 21846 

SWiX is easy to use XML-based editor for SWF debugging and updating. SWiX is easy to use XML-based editor for…

Site Translator 4.09

Site Translator 4.09 Trial version 12118 

Translate entire web sites with a single mouse click! Site Translator converts all HTML, ASP, ASP.NET (ASPX), ASCX, PHP and…

BitNami Drupal Stack 7.18-0

BitNami Drupal Stack 7.18-0 Free version 14166 

BitNami Drupal Stack greatly simplifies the deployment of Drupal and its required dependencies. It can be deployed using a native…

Joomla 1.6.1

Joomla 1.6.1 Free version 13954 

Rebuilt from the ground up in much of the application using the MVC (Model-View-Controller) design pattern, this latest Joomla release…

VevoCart 6.2.0

VevoCart 6.2.0 Free version 12811 

From the reliable, powerful and Responsive VevoCart Premium & Multi-vendor versions that gain trusts from customers worldwide, to the Community…

OutSystems Platform CE

OutSystems Platform CE Free version 15132 

The Community Edition (CE) is a free version of the OutSystems Platform, a complete Application Development and Management solution to…

Aptana Studio 3.4

Aptana Studio 3.4 Free version 12860 

Aptana Studio is a complete web development environment that combines powerful authoring tools for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, along with…

Firebird 2.5.2

Firebird 2.5.2 Free version 28990 

Firebird is a relational database offering many ANSI SQL standard features that runs on Linux, Windows, and a variety of…

MySQL 5.1.73

MySQL 5.1.73 Free version 19822 

MySQL Community Edition is a freely downloadable version of the world's most popular open source database that is supported by…

Adblock Plus for Chrome 1.3.1

Adblock Plus for Chrome 1.3.1 Free version 11688 

Adblock Plus for Google Chrome blocks: Banners, YouTube video ads, Facebook advertisements, Pop-ups, All other obtrusive ads. Adblock Plus is…

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