Search Result - Phrase

Awesome Password Generator 1.4.0 B1451

Awesome Password Generator 1.4.0 B1451 Free version 4228 

Awesome Password Generator is a handy and reliable utility designed to generate strong passwords. Awesome Password Generator is an easy…

PswGen 1.5.5

PswGen 1.5.5 Free version 3960 

PswGen manages login information such as account, name and address of websites you are using. Furthermore it repeatably generates passwords…


NARPassword Free version 3825 

Small changes to either the pass phrase or password name result in radically different passwords. If a password is compromised…

RPG - Renoise Phrase Generator 0.80

RPG - Renoise Phrase Generator 0.80 Free version 3857 

RPG is a utility that generates random tracks for Renoise, based on a user defined set of parameters. RPG is…

Fractal Tune Smithy 3.0

Fractal Tune Smithy 3.0  4425 

Create beautiful fractal music intricate as snowflakes. Choose or play a short musical phrase as the seed, vary the parameters,…

RapidComposer 3.84

RapidComposer 3.84  3703 

RapidComposer is a unique, non-destructive, parametric phrase-based music composition software. Please see the detailed feature list below. The master track…

Melodo VSTi 1.2.79 Beta

Melodo VSTi 1.2.79 Beta Free version 3977 

Melodo is a platform for instantly browsing short musical phrases contributed by composers from around the world. Each musical phrase…

Song Bank 2.7

Song Bank 2.7 Free version 3799 

A songwriting tool that allows users to record and write their music using an easy-to-use graphical interface. Users can also…

iRehearse 1.2

iRehearse 1.2  3367 

Ever struggled to hear what is being played in your favourite song? Ever wondered what exactly is happening during that…

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