Search Result - notation

Chord Cadenza

Chord Cadenza Free version 4054 

MIDI Sequencer with track display, mute, solo, patch, vol, pan, etc. Extract keys, modulations, and chords from a MIDI file.…

notation composer 4.0.1

notation composer 4.0.1  4589 

Easily create or arrange your own music. Produce accurate, customized sheet music, and create music that sounds great. Listen to…

SoundTrackComposer 1.1.0

SoundTrackComposer 1.1.0  3497 

SoundTrackComposer is the soundtrack-making software with everything you need to create soundtrack for your next movie. It is both step…

SongStuff 2.1

SongStuff 2.1  3358 

SongStuff is a software solution for song creating and recording. There are also a music notation module and a beat…

HitFactor 7.2.0

HitFactor 7.2.0  3707 

HitFactor is the music-making software with everything you need to create the basis for your next song. It is step…

TwelveKeys Music Transcription Software 1.60

TwelveKeys Music Transcription Software 1.60  3780 

TwelveKeys is an aid to assist musicians in learning and transcribing music recordings. It is able to accurately detect notes…

Music Masterworks 4.29

Music Masterworks 4.29  3544 

Make your own music with our award-winning voice-to-note music composition software. With Music Masterworks you can compose by just singing…

MagicScore OneTouch Composer 2.017

MagicScore OneTouch Composer 2.017  3682 

MagicScore OneTouch Composer is the first music notation software for Windows tablets all over the World. Compose music with OneTouch…

PianoCheetah 20160217

PianoCheetah 20160217 Free version 3592 

PianoCheetah will help you practice piano a little better. It'll rip out repeats, and loop up 4 bar segments for…

MagicScore Maestro 8.171

MagicScore Maestro 8.171  3818 

Compose, arrange and edit music with MagicScoreMaestro. This software is perfect for composers, arrangers, copyists, music teachers and students. MagicScore…

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