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PHP Designer 8.1.2

PHP Designer 8.1.2 Trial version 10790 

PHP DESIGNER was created to help you enhance the process of edit, debug, analyze and publish PHP scripts all wrapped…

JRuby 64bit 1.7.4

JRuby 64bit 1.7.4 Free version 11227 

JRuby x64 is a 100% Java implementation of the Ruby programming language. It is Ruby for the JVM. JRuby provides…

ApexSQL Edit 2011.02

ApexSQL Edit 2011.02 Trial version 11011 

ApexSQL Edit is an SQL Server code editor with advanced SQL formatting, refactoring and autocomplete functions. Edit SQL using code…

XVI32 2.54

XVI32 2.54 Free version 14925 

XVI32 is one of the most popular free hex editors running under Windows. XVI32 comes with a complete online help…

Resource Tuner 1.99 R6

Resource Tuner 1.99 R6 Free version 13712 

Resource Tuner can change the look of the icons, cursors, dialogs, buttons, sounds, animations and other elements of the Windows…

Altova UModel 2014r2

Altova UModel 2014r2 Trial version 12276 

Altova UModel 2014 Enterprise Edition is the starting point for successful software and SQL database development. Visually design models and…

NuSphere PhpED 10.0

NuSphere PhpED 10.0 Free version 11179 

PhpED is an IDE for PHP, HTML, CSS, XML, SMARTY, XHTML, JavaScript and other. Balanced combination of advanced code editor,…

InstallJammer for Windows 1.2.15

InstallJammer for Windows 1.2.15 Free version 10551 

InstallJammer is a multiplatform GUI installer designed to be completely cross-platform and function on Windows and most all versions of…

Altova UModel Professional Edition 2014r2

Altova UModel Professional Edition 2014r2 Trial version 10445 

Altova UModel 2014 Professional Edition is the starting point for successful software and SQL database development. Visually design models and…

VMware ThinApp 4.7.3-891762

VMware ThinApp 4.7.3-891762 Trial version 13403 

Accelerate application deployment and simplify application migration with agentless application virtualization. With ThinApp, applications are packaged into single executables that…

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