Search Result - Folders

PurgeFox 5.03

PurgeFox 5.03 Trial version 13258 

PurgeFox is specifically designed for users of the popular FireFox browser to remove the surfing tracks retained by FireFox, I.E.…

PurgeIE 9.02

PurgeIE 9.02 Trial version 12734 

PurgeIE helps Internet Explorer users eliminate unwanted Internet files. This superb utility provides the tools you need to cover your…

Linkman Lite 8.32

Linkman Lite 8.32 Free version 13235 

Integrating with the latest versions of Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Opera browsers, Linkman gives you the power to…

Web form filler IEFillForm 3.0

Web form filler IEFillForm 3.0 Trial version 11653 

IEFillForm this is easy and comfortable web form filler. It allows to fill a web form and single fields with…

Web Archives Viewer 1.04

Web Archives Viewer 1.04 Free version 11921 

After software installation, additional option "Open in Web Archives Viewer" appears in IE context menu (context menu appears after you…

FavoritesAndFiles2HTML 1.2.1

FavoritesAndFiles2HTML 1.2.1 Trial version 11488 

With the FavoritesAndFiles2HTML program you can browse, edit and search through Internet Explorer, Firefox and Opera Favorites (Bookmarks), convert them…

BetterPrivacy 1.68

BetterPrivacy 1.68 Free version 14141 

Better Privacy serves to protect against undeletable longterm cookies, a new generation of 'Super-Cookie', which silently conquered the internet. This…

SkyDrive for Windows

SkyDrive for Windows Free version 14113 

SkyDrive for Windows is the easiest way to access your SkyDrive from your PC. When you install SkyDrive, a SkyDrive…

PS3 Media Server 1.90.1

PS3 Media Server 1.90.1 Free version 13784 

PS3 Media Server is a DLNA compliant Upnp Media Server for the PS3, written in Java, with the purpose of…

RemoteScan Enterprise 10.6.03

RemoteScan Enterprise 10.6.03 Trial version 24157 

Quest RemoteScan® provides hassle-free desktop scanner connectivity for thousands of companies in nearly 120 countries, with more than one billion…

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