Search Result - Community

Adblock Plus for Opera 1.3.4

Adblock Plus for Opera 1.3.4 Free version 16411 

Adblock Plus for Opera blocks: Banners, YouTube video ads, Facebook advertisements, Pop-ups, All other obtrusive ads. Adblock Plus is the…

Bazaar 2.6 Beta 1

Bazaar 2.6 Beta 1 Free version 9700 

Bazaar is a version control system that helps you track project history over time and to collaborate easily with others.…

Mono for Windows 2.11.2 Alpha

Mono for Windows 2.11.2 Alpha Free version 10902 

Mono provides the necessary software to develop and run .NET client and server applications on Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X,…

Red Koda Community 3.0.7

Red Koda Community 3.0.7 Trial version 10252 

Red Koda is an easy to use UML tool. It supports 13 UML2 diagrams. With short-cut keys and auto resize,…

Visual DataFlex Personal 2012

Visual DataFlex Personal 2012 Free version 12521 

Visual DataFlex is an advanced software tool for building world-class business solution software--fast and easy. With Visual DataFlex developers can…

Tree CMS 1.0

Tree CMS 1.0 Free version 10281 

"Fascinating rhythms and movements Tree - they will help to expand your site I have. Built engine believe that by…

ImageFileManagerBean 2.4

ImageFileManagerBean 2.4 Free version 13766 

This is currently the BEST Java Bean that can be embedded into an Oracle Forms application to perform Image/Document Capture,…

TIFManagerBean 2.3

TIFManagerBean 2.3 Free version 13185 

This is currently the BEST Java Bean that can be embedded into an Oracle Forms application to perform Document Capture,…

WaveMaker 6.5.2

WaveMaker 6.5.2 Free version 17439 

WaveMaker is an open & easy-to-use web development platform. Using its visual, drag & drop tools, any developer can build…

Joomla! 2.5.4-0

Joomla! 2.5.4-0 Free version 12326 

Joomla is the world’ s most popular open source CMS (content management system). With 2.7 percent of the Web running…

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