Miraplacid Publisher converts any printable documents to images. Miraplacid Publisher supports following output formats: PDF, JPEG, TIFF, BMP, PNG, TGA,…
A quick solution for creating CMYK PDF documents (press-ready PDF/X documents with CMYK colors) with password features and access control.…
FolderHighlight is a tool, that makes the management of your folders' appearence more flexible and handy. With FolderHighlight you can…
File manager, easy to use, full customized (colors, fonts, columns, keys, icons, etc.), tabbed interface, fast FTP client, link to…
UIFriend provides easy and powerful quick resolution changing, intelligent protection of your desktop icon layout that works behind the scenes…
For example, you copy text from a web page, paste it to some editor and get someone's unwanted formatting with…
XtraPaster is a software application that offers 36 slots for text storage, organized into four different colors (9 spaces per…
This tool helps finding and launching your favorite programs, web pages, folders, or any type of files in a fast…
PDF Bookmarks is a powerful utility program for creating/editing/deleting bookmarks in PDF files with ease. Features include: edit bookmark names,…