Aurigma Image Uploader Flash is a Flash-based sibling of ActiveX/Java Aurigma upload product. Ideal for web 2.0 sites with more…
With the FavoritesAndFiles2HTML program you can browse, edit and search through Internet Explorer, Firefox and Opera Favorites (Bookmarks), convert them…
This extension for Firefox and Google Chrome automatically inserts HTML signatures into your Gmail messages based on which address you…
Tool for forensic professionals that eases their work on analysing Internet Browsers histories. Supports extraction of visited links for Internet…
Overview Web Page to BMP converter enable you convert a web page(with Flash/javascript/ActiveX) to BMP(). This web page converter is…
The Rainbow experiment aims to provide native audio and video recording capabilities in the browser through a JavaScript API -…
Semantic Checker is a Firefox Extension highlighting semantic elements in your document. In the current version Semantic Checker highlights the…
Creates HTML links from plain text URL's and e-mail addresses. Automatically converts text that looks like URL's and e-mail addresses…
HTMtied instantly converts any Internet address (link, URL, bookmark, favorite) to a very small HTML file that when opened in…
Eastsea Html to Image Converter is a flexible and easy-to-use tool that converts html page from any URL to image…