Search Result - secret

abylon SHAREDDRIVE 11.00.2

abylon SHAREDDRIVE 11.00.2 Trial version 15800 

The encrypted file clipboard abylon SHAREDDRIVE is shown in the File Explorer on the desktop level and protect your secret…

Office Security OwnerGuard 12.7.1

Office Security OwnerGuard 12.7.1 Free version 20893 

Office OwnerGuard is the ultimate Security, Digital Rights Management (DRM), Copy Protection, Licensing, Watermarking and Distribution Management solution for Excel,…

abylon BASIC 11.00.2

abylon BASIC 11.00.2 Trial version 23889 

The protection of your sensitive data is often disregarded. But the encrypting of diaries, pictures or other secret documents with…

Desktop Secret Lock

Desktop Secret Lock  4160 

Desktop Secret Lock adds an additional level of security to your computer or remote desktop server. You will be notified…

PDF Security OwnerGuard 13.0.1

PDF Security OwnerGuard 13.0.1 Free version 4197 

PDF Security OwnerGuard is the ultimate Digital Rights Management (DRM), Security, Copy Protection, Watermarking, Licensing and Distribution Management solution for…

Folder Lastic 1.0

Folder Lastic 1.0  4542 

Are passwords really as reliable as we use to think they are? They can be cracked, stolen or defrauded. But…

E-Secret Folder 1.0

E-Secret Folder 1.0 Free version 4076 

Application Locking Folder is very safe making the folder hidden and cannot be accessed How the application works by applying…

ClassifyIt 5.5

ClassifyIt 5.5  3983 

ClassifyIT is an add-on module for Microsoft (R) Office (TM) 2010 and higher. It provides functionality to add classification tags…

Free Hide Folder 3.5

Free Hide Folder 3.5 Free version 4056 

Most everyone has files or folders on their computer that they do not want to share with others. Free Hide…

Hide windows Wizard 9.7

Hide windows Wizard 9.7  4689 

Concerned about computer privacy? The best protection against prying eyes is making your secrets invisible, Hide Windows Wizard is just…

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