Search Result - Code

BRL-CAD 7.24.0

BRL-CAD 7.24.0  Free version 17255 

The BRL-CAD package is a powerful Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) solid modeling system BRL-CAD is a powerful cross-platform open source…

Free QR Barcode Generator for Window 2.0

Free QR Barcode Generator for Window 2.0  Free version 13140 

Free Create QR barcode Generator, Add QR Barcode on your photo. Support input JPEG and PNG image. Support 20 type…

Graphic Workshop Professional 4.0a.36

Graphic Workshop Professional 4.0a.36 Trial version 12892 

Graphic Workshop Professional is the image manager, graphic editor and viewer to convert, optimize, print, view, thumbnail, dither, transform, caption,…

CodedColor PhotoStudio Pro 7.0.0

CodedColor PhotoStudio Pro 7.0.0  Trial version 15312 

CodedColor PhotoStudio by 1STEIN is a powerful and versatile photo organizer and image editing software for digital camera users. Features…

ImageJ x64 i1

ImageJ x64 i1  Free version 19235 

ImageJ x64 is an intersting Java based image processing application inspired by NIH Image for the Macintosh. It runs, either…

ImageJ i1

ImageJ i1 Free version 27161 

ImageJ is an interesting Java based image processing application inspired by NIH Image for the Macintosh. It runs, either as…

PicPick Portable 3.2.6

PicPick Portable 3.2.6 Free version 23494 

PicPick Portable is a featured screen capture tool. It includes an intuitive image editor, a color picker, a color palette,…

Avid Media Composer 7

Avid Media Composer 7  Trial version 24939 

Media Composer is the most widely used NLE for professional film and video editing. With Media Composer 7, you gain…

Arcade Classics 2

Arcade Classics 2 Free version 18831 

This is a very easy to use platform for playing "Mame Rom Games" from Windows. These are original program code…

Cheat Engine 6.3

Cheat Engine 6.3 Free version 201455 

Cheat Engine is an open source tool designed to help you with modifying games so you can make them harder…

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