Search Result - delphi

TagCloud for VCL 2.0

TagCloud for VCL 2.0 Trial version 10375 

This package brings you the visual components, that are based on the idea of a well known "tag cloud" navigation…

BasicVideo VCL 6.0

BasicVideo VCL 6.0 Trial version 11627 

Delphi/C++ Builder VCL/FMX components for fast video capture and playback. Allows implementing capture and playback with zero lines of program…

TMS IntraWeb Component Pack Pro

TMS IntraWeb Component Pack Pro Trial version 13562 

TMS Components for IntraWeb allows rich design-time editing of webpages from the Delphi IDE directly on IntraWeb forms. IntraWeb and…

QRCode Decoder SDK/DLL 2.5

QRCode Decoder SDK/DLL 2.5 Trial version 11518 

With the SDK/DLL,you can encode up to 1,817 Kanji or chinese characters ,2953 bytes, 4296 ASCII characters, or 7089 digits…

Advanced Localizer 1.7

Advanced Localizer 1.7 Trial version 11164 

Advanced Localizer is an indispensable component suite for adding multilingual support to your Delphi applications. Using the powerful component editors…

Luxand FaceSDK 4.0

Luxand FaceSDK 4.0 Trial version 13421 

FaceSDK is a multi-platform library that enables Microsoft Visual C++, C#, VB.NET, Java, and Delphi developers to build a variety…

Raize Components 6.1.6

Raize Components 6.1.6 Trial version 13778 

Raize Components is a user interface design system for Delphi and C++Builder. At its center is a collection of more…


PLABEL VCL 2.7 Trial version 10972 

PLABEL is a package of seven Delphi components (100 % VCL) to implement in your programs a label's editor. Actually…

Filesystem Dialogs Library

Filesystem Dialogs Library Trial version 9737 

Enhanced file and folder selector library for the Win32 and Win64 platform. It is call compatible with comdlg32.dll. It's purpose…

Windows Std Serial Comm Lib for Delphi 5.3

Windows Std Serial Comm Lib for Delphi 5.3 Trial version 11707 

Serial communications Delphi library for RS232 and multi-drop RS485 and RS422 serial ports. Provides capability to easily develop Delphi and…

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