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ACA WebThumb ActiveX 4.40

ACA WebThumb ActiveX 4.40 Trial version 11311 

Do you want to take a screenshot from a web page in your desktop or web application? ACA WebThumb ActiveX…

Shell MegaPack ActiveX 2012

Shell MegaPack ActiveX 2012 Trial version 11275 

Shell MegaPack Activex recreates the entire Windows Explorer shell browsing UI functionality in your app in just a couple of…

FileView ActiveX Control 2012

FileView ActiveX Control 2012 Trial version 10742 

FileView ActiveX Control brings a drop-in Windows Explorer-like file and folder browsing listview UI to your application complete with Thumbnails,…

Aurigma Graphics Mill for .NET 5.5

Aurigma Graphics Mill for .NET 5.5 Trial version 10437 

Graphics Mill is an image processing .NET component library with rich imaging features, powerful WinForms and AJAX controls. It is…

.NET Websites Screenshot DLL 1.7

.NET Websites Screenshot DLL 1.7 Trial version 10804 

The Websites Screenshot DLL is a .NET Class Library to render website page. It allows you to capture website page…

VintaSoftImaging.NET SDK 7.2

VintaSoftImaging.NET SDK 7.2 Trial version 10306 

VintaSoftImaging.NET SDK is the impressive imaging library for .NET and WPF. The component allows you to view, edit, convert, print…

Filesystem Dialogs Library

Filesystem Dialogs Library Trial version 9737 

Enhanced file and folder selector library for the Win32 and Win64 platform. It is call compatible with comdlg32.dll. It's purpose…

Win32 Image Components SDK

Win32 Image Components SDK Free version 10540 

Image Components is a component suite software which includes: -ImgEdit - Image viewer component -ImgAnnotations - Image annotations component -ImgThumbnail…

csImageFile 8.0

csImageFile 8.0 Trial version 13368 

ASP image resize component with wide range of functions. Supports JPG, BMP, GIF, PNG, PSD, TIF and PCX and exports…

ASPPhotoResizer 2.0

ASPPhotoResizer 2.0 Trial version 11593 

ASP component to resize JPEG images. Images can be saved to disk or streamed to the browser. Functionality includes rotate,…

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