Dolphin Jetpack For Android
Dolphin Android Gesture simplifies the way you navigate the mobile web. Open any of your favorite websites with just the touch of your fingertip. Say goodbye to typing and let
Dolphin Android Gesture transform the way you interact with your Smartphone or Tablet. Bring up by drawing a heart. Scroll up and down the page by drawing arrows. Or create your own Gesture by drawing any symbol. Click here to watch how it works.
Dolphin Sonar:
Android Voice Control
Dolphin is excited to present the most innovative way to browse with your
Android voice control! Our latest feature,
Dolphin Sonar, allows you to search, share and navigate by shaking your phone and telling
Dolphin what to do. Here’s how it works:
Search: Just say what you want to search for.
Share: Just say “share”.
Navigate: Just say browser functions like “new tab” or the name of a website like “BBC.”
Read more about Sonar here and get the list of the most popular commands here.
One-tap Share
Right from
Dolphin, you can tweet web pages, post them on Facebook, share them via email or send them to you friends instantly through a shared Wi-Fi.
Facebook – share a webpage and tag friends instantly
Twitter – Tweet a webpage and tag friends
Email – Send title and link to any email
Wi-Fi Broadcast – Share with your friends by quickly sending them a web page instantly through a shared Wi-Fi
Watch Wifi Broadcast in action.
Grab web content while browsing
Dolphin and save it directly to Evernote or Box. Capture articles, research, travel deals, and more while on the go. It’s so easy.
Evernote (Beta) – Clip webpages and add your own personalized title, tag, comments, and keep organized in your notebooks
Box – Save webpages to a specific directory in your Box account as a PDF
See the Evernote Web Clipper in action. And see how to store to Box.
Dolphin Connect: Sync and Send from Mobile to Desktop
Dolphin picks up where you left off. So you don’t even need to think about it.
Send to Device:
Send URLs, a phone number, directions, or photos between your computer and connected devices with Chrome/Firefox/Safari desktop extensions.
Sync mobile to desktop: Use extensions to sync tabs and bookmarks
Sync mobile to mobile: Sync bookmarks/tabs/history/passwords from device to device
To learn how to use Send to Device and
Dolphin Connect syncing, check out our FAQ page or watch Send to Device in action.
Download the extensions now on Chrome, Firefox or Safari.
User Agent
Switch between desktop and mobile view according to your needs with the
Dolphin Android User Agent. View mobile mode for compact information or full functionality with desktop. You can also switch the target site layout between
Android, iPhone or iPad sites. If you like it, check out Desktop Toggle Add-on.
Beef up your
Dolphin by installing your favorite
Android Add-ons. With 50
Android Add-ons and counting, you can install the Add-ons for the tasks you need at your fingertips. Forgot password? Password Manager can help. Want a new look for your
Dolphin? Download Shiny Shake to change colors. Want to read a webpage in French? Get
Dolphin Translate.
Dolphin enables a better browsing experience with Multi-Touch Zoom. Find it hard to read webpages in desktop view?
Dolphin Multi-Touch Zoom solves that problem. Pinch your fingers on the screen and make the text bigger or smaller. Double tap the target area to zoom in and out.
Dolphin automatically fits the text to any screen size.
Tabbed Browsing
Tabbed browsing makes browsing the mobile web as easy as on a desktop. Add tabs at the top of your screen and manage them in window or tab format. No need to leave your webpage to shuffle through open sites,
Dolphin makes it easy to multi-task.
Make the best of a limited mobile interface via
Dolphin SideBar. With
Dolphin, you can swipe to the Right SideBar and Left SideBar to quickly launch additional features. Swipe left to switch to full screen or your favorite Add-ons. Swipe right to browse your bookmarks and folders.
Dolphin Jetpack For Android
Website - Dolphin Jetpack For Android
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