Winamp Media Player 5.65 3438
Winamp is more than just a player. It's your window to the multimedia world. From MP3s to streaming video,
Winamp is the one place you go to feed your audio/video habit.
As always
Winamp and
Winamp Pro also feature...
* Now Playing: Artist Songs, Videos, Radio and Photos
* iPod Support: Play and manage music on your iPod
* AOL Radio Online Service Powered by CBS Radio
* Album Art: Retrieve and view Album Art
Winamp OrglerTM lets you track, chart and share your
Winamp listening history
* Extended Flash video support
* Auto-Tag: Automatically update your song information
* Replay Gain: Play all your songs at a consistent volume level
* Format Converter: Transcode music to a more friendly format
Here are just some of the hot, new things you can do with the latest version of
Winamp can use both Modern and Classic skins, so you can be both hip and retro at the same time.
Winamp gives you easy and organized access to your favorite media. That's what you call mass media.
Winamp can play a huge variety of audio and video formats right out of the box... err... out of the installation.
* You get access to hundreds of free audio and video channels in the
Media Library. This ain't your father's library.
Winamp can burn your music to Audio CDs. Burn baby burn!
Winamp makes it easy to create and manage your favorite songs through playlists. Yes, you can be your own DJ.
Winamp allows you to extend its functionality through the use of "plug-ins" Its like the Mr. Potato Head® of music.
Winamp can manage all of your portable media players and devices. Plug in, turn on, tune in, drop out...
Winamp allows you to alter the sound of your music through a built-in Equalizer. An audio receiver right on your computer.
Winamp allows you to watch visual effects that are driven from your music with Visualizations. From flaming fireballs to screaming strobe effects, it's all there.
Some sweet treats you get only with
Winamp Pro:
* Rip and burn your Audio CDs at 48x
* Rip your CDs to MP3s
* Rip your CDs to High Bitrate aacPlus
* Convert other formats to MP3 and High Bitrate aacPlus
* Play MPEG-4 video formats straight out-of-the-box
What is New in
Winamp 5.63?
* Wireless desktop sync with
Winamp for Android™
* iTunes Library Import
* Major podcast overhaul including new directory powered by
* New Windows 7 support including taskbar player controls
* Available in 16 languages including Turkish, Romanian & Brazilian Portuguese
* Improved playlist generator
* Add the
Winamp Toolbar and control playback from your browser (optional)
Winamp Media Player 5.65 3438
Website - Winamp Media Player 5.65 3438
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